Per la prima volta sono riuscita a trovare uno stand Essence con una collezione in edizione limitata appena messa in esposizione ed ho potuto scegliere con calma i prodotti senza che fossero rovinati o finiti! Che soddisfazione!
Ho preso solo due cose strettamente utili.
For the first time I managed to find an Essence's stand with a limited edition collection just put on display and I could choose calmy without products that were ruined or finished. That satisfaction!
I took only two usefull things.
For the first time I managed to find an Essence's stand with a limited edition collection just put on display and I could choose calmy without products that were ruined or finished. That satisfaction!
I took only two usefull things.
il pennellino da eyeliner a 1.99 euro non potevo lasciarmelo sfuggire, fa sempre comodo averne uno in piu'.
The eyeliner brush to 1.99 euro I couldn't leave it, always handy to have one more.
The eyeliner brush to 1.99 euro I couldn't leave it, always handy to have one more.
A primo impatto direi che le setole sembrano abbastanza rigide pur restando morbido nel tracciare linee. Per quel prezzo va piu' che bene!
I wolud say that a first glance seem quite rigid bristles while remaning soft in draw lines. For that price is more than good!
I wolud say that a first glance seem quite rigid bristles while remaning soft in draw lines. For that price is more than good!
Nella collezione ci sono due eyeliner in crema ma a mio avviso hanno colorazioni molto piu' adatte da usare come basi ombretto essendo tendenti al chiaro.
In the collection there are two cream eyeliner but in my opinion have colors more suitable for use as bases ayeshadows being nearly clear.
In the collection there are two cream eyeliner but in my opinion have colors more suitable for use as bases ayeshadows being nearly clear.
Infatti ho preso quello con colorazione denominata "marrone terra" per utilizzarlo a quel modo, come eyeliner non lo trovo adatto (almeno su di me)
In fact I took the one with colour called "brown earth" to use it in that way, as eyeliner don't find it suitable (at least on me)
In fact I took the one with colour called "brown earth" to use it in that way, as eyeliner don't find it suitable (at least on me)
E' un colore molto bello anche applicato da solo, come un vero e proprio ombretto in crema
It's a very nice color also applied alone, like a real cream eyeshadow.
It's a very nice color also applied alone, like a real cream eyeshadow.
Ho avuto anche occasione di swatchare con calma i 3 ombretti cotti che offre la collezione, decisamente troppo shimmer per i miei gusti ma so che a molte potranno piacere.
I also had the opportunity to swatching the 3 cooked eyeshadows that provides the collection, are too shimmer to my taste but I know that many will enjoy.
I also had the opportunity to swatching the 3 cooked eyeshadows that provides the collection, are too shimmer to my taste but I know that many will enjoy.
Questa e' la scrivenza delle cialde appena sfiorate.
That's the wrigting effect of pods just tap.
That's the wrigting effect of pods just tap.
E voi cosa vi siete aggiudicate di questa collezione?
And what have you got about this collection?
And what have you got about this collection?
ho lasciato nello stand gli ombretti cotti, ma ho preso gli stickers, l'eyeliner in gel verde muschio e lo smalto verde! Peccato non aver trovato il blush, il pennello da eyeliner e l'eyeliner in gel marrone/rosato...
RispondiEliminaio avrei voluto provare tutto ma mi sono trattenuta restando su cose che sicuramente poi avrei sfruttato e x lungo tempo, se no prendevo tutto (tranne gli ombretti XP)